

Chiropractic Adjustments for Your Child


Are you looking for a proactive approach to maintain your child’s health? Chiropractic adjustments can provide a natural and effective approach to raise the quality of life of infants, children and teenagers. Overall improvement in wellbeing has been reported for children who receive regular chiropractic adjustments. A great way to understand why children can [...]

Chiropractic Adjustments for Your Child2019-11-12T09:52:49-06:00

Celebrating #ChiroWayKids


“By removing vertebral subluxation at a young age, it can promote optimal function, and in turn, a healthier and stronger body as they grow up. If vertebral subluxation is present in your child’s spine, it can negatively affect their general health and function.” - Trent Scheidecker, DC On July 17th, we celebrated past, present and future [...]

Celebrating #ChiroWayKids2018-07-19T09:49:34-05:00

Cultivating Community at ChiroWay


“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” -Anthony J. D’Angelo Community is something that we value at ChiroWay. Whether it is creating community within our ChiroWay Centers, or getting involved with the community surrounding our centers, cultivating relationships with the people around us is vital to fulfilling our mission. Often, [...]

Cultivating Community at ChiroWay2018-07-10T09:32:47-05:00

ChiroWay of Maple Grove Celebrates 5 Years!


Today, ChiroWay of Maple Grove celebrates 5 years in business! Congratulations to chiropractor and owner Drew Fautsch, DC, on all his success, and a huge thank you to all of our clients and Maple Grove community members for your support over the last 5 years. You made this milestone possible! We look forward to continuing [...]

ChiroWay of Maple Grove Celebrates 5 Years!2018-03-28T14:37:03-05:00

Reflecting on 5 Years at ChiroWay of Blaine


This March, ChiroWay of Blaine, owned and operated by Lance Baumgard, DC, celebrated 5 years in business serving regular chiropractic care. With over 57,000 chiropractic visits* and 3 generations of community members served in the last 5 years, Lance states that he is “incredibly grateful to have accomplished what I have, and to have been [...]

Reflecting on 5 Years at ChiroWay of Blaine2018-03-29T16:57:37-05:00

Stressors Children May Experience


Children encounter obstacles and stress in their lives on a daily basis. Chiropractic recognizes three categories of stress that can affect your children at a young age: physical, emotional and chemical. Here are a few examples: Physical Stress: Constant physical demands can create a negative compound effect on your wellbeing. Waking up in time [...]

Stressors Children May Experience2019-04-30T17:15:08-05:00

Leaky Bucket


Imagine your body like a bucket: everyone has different bodies with a variety of shapes, sizes and capacity. Your wellbeing is housed inside your bucket. Your body can stay full of wellbeing with both inborn recuperative powers, and the positive choices you make. These factors can be viewed in the form of a faucet that [...]

Leaky Bucket2018-03-14T10:45:35-05:00

Expecting Mother’s Wellbeing Influences Baby’s Neurological System!


Did you know, an expecting mother’s wellbeing can influence the development of baby’s neurological system? This influence can be positive or negative. If mother has chemical stressors in her lifestyle such as drinking, smoking or even the flu, baby’s neurological system can be negatively impacted. If mother makes healthy lifestyle choices like good nutrition, exercise [...]

Expecting Mother’s Wellbeing Influences Baby’s Neurological System!2018-02-01T14:13:44-06:00

Your Best Year Yet


Another year, another chance to list out your goals and what you want to achieve in the next 12 months. This is your fresh start, your time to try something new or get back to where you once were. But what if this year, instead of focusing on changing ourselves, we focus on sharing what [...]

Your Best Year Yet2017-12-28T10:49:57-06:00

Cultivating a Higher Quality of Life for Children


When gardening, it’s important to remove weeds and water the soil throughout the growth process to help cultivate healthy environment so the plant can develop to be strong and vibrant. This is similar to the premise behind regular chiropractic care for your child. By removing vertebral subluxation at a young age, it can promote optimal [...]

Cultivating a Higher Quality of Life for Children2017-08-18T08:25:29-05:00
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