

Enjoy Where You Are to Get to Where You Want to Go


“The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.” —Yiddish Proverb Life is not full of roses and walks in the park. Life is hard and can be painful at times. When life’s demands create a painful quality of living, what you think and do about it can have an impact on your future [...]

Enjoy Where You Are to Get to Where You Want to Go2018-04-10T11:58:17-05:00

Happy, Healthy & Educated


What are your top three priorities in life? For some, it may include being happy, healthy and educated. All three factors have something in common: the necessity of a body that works in a complete state of function. Happiness is a goal that many of us seek. In order to achieve this goal, it requires [...]

Happy, Healthy & Educated2018-04-10T11:50:26-05:00

Our Goals Aligning With Your Goals


Regular chiropractic care can also be referred to as wellness care. “Wellness” means the state of being is in good health, and may be an actively pursued goal. Our goal for you to be in a good state of health and wellbeing can be accomplished through recommending regular chiropractic visits to help actively pursue a [...]

Our Goals Aligning With Your Goals2018-04-10T12:40:00-05:00

Adrenal Glands


Your adrenal glands are hormone producing organs that make chemicals that are vital to life, for example, adrenaline and steroids aldosterone and cortisol. The adrenal glands are located directly above your kidneys and have the purpose to produce chemicals that help regulate: - Blood pressure and sugar levels - Metabolism - Reaction to stressors Adrenaline [...]

Adrenal Glands2018-04-03T12:39:15-05:00

Being Average Isn’t Normal


“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” —John Mason We are all originals. We have two eyes a nose and a mouth, but all of these features are unique to each one of us. Being original should be included in your lifestyle choices. When we do what is considered average, it can be [...]

Being Average Isn’t Normal2018-04-03T12:36:05-05:00

3 Steps to Change Your Quality of Life


Are you ready for a change in your quality of life? To create change and give yourself a boost in your wellbeing, it may take hard work and a great trainer to help you to reinforce it as a new healthy habit. Are you reading this right now saying, “I’m ready for a higher quality [...]

3 Steps to Change Your Quality of Life2018-04-03T12:26:57-05:00

Questions to Ask Before Starting Regular Chiropractic Care


What are your goals from chiropractic care? Everyone has different circumstances in their life to push them towards making a change. For some, it may be a physical pain. For others, it may be an emotional stress at home or work that is draining your energy levels and you want a boost to help get [...]

Questions to Ask Before Starting Regular Chiropractic Care2018-04-03T12:31:58-05:00

What’s your Vagus Nerve?


There’s a nerve that is so vital to the functions of your internal organs: your Vagus Nerve. This nerve communicates via impulses to nearly every organ in the body! The Vagus Nerve is the tenth cranial nerve, so it exits your brain through the jugular foramen down the neck, chest and stomach where it supplies [...]

What’s your Vagus Nerve?2018-03-28T13:07:28-05:00

Your Why


"The two most important days in your life are the day you’re born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain We all have a WHY. Your WHY can be a purpose or cause that motivates you on a daily basis to get up out of bed. Your WHY can help you make [...]

Your Why2018-03-28T13:03:07-05:00

ChiroWay of Maple Grove Celebrates 5 Years!


Today, ChiroWay of Maple Grove celebrates 5 years in business! Congratulations to chiropractor and owner Drew Fautsch, DC, on all his success, and a huge thank you to all of our clients and Maple Grove community members for your support over the last 5 years. You made this milestone possible! We look forward to continuing [...]

ChiroWay of Maple Grove Celebrates 5 Years!2018-03-28T14:37:03-05:00
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