
Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The Best Time to Start


“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” —Chinese Proverb You have a list of things that need to get done: a few appointments that have been being neglected, and items to do to take care of yourself and your family. These items remain undone. [...]

The Best Time to Start2019-11-19T14:39:45-06:00



“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” —Helen Keller Life is hard, as is the responsibility to take care of our bodies. Ensuring optimal health and wellbeing is a daunting responsibility, and there is so much advice and so many options to choose from to make [...]


Chiropractic Adjustments for Your Child


Are you looking for a proactive approach to maintain your child’s health? Chiropractic adjustments can provide a natural and effective approach to raise the quality of life of infants, children and teenagers. Overall improvement in wellbeing has been reported for children who receive regular chiropractic adjustments. A great way to understand why children can [...]

Chiropractic Adjustments for Your Child2019-11-12T09:52:49-06:00

Be Resilient


The definition of resilient is “being able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.” As an example, babies are generally resilient in their health and wellbeing. They can quickly heal and recover from infections and the common cold. Stress is constantly confronting our wellbeing in positive and negative ways and it’s your resilience [...]

Be Resilient2019-11-05T14:09:51-06:00

Falling Back to Routine with Proper Tools


Fall is approaching which means back to school, back to routine and back into new challenges and demands. It’s hard to believe that this time of year is right around the corner, as the summer months come to a close. Schedules will soon settle in, new habits will be formed and different activities are on [...]

Falling Back to Routine with Proper Tools2018-08-21T12:20:04-05:00

Position on Chiropractic


What have you heard about chiropractic? What’s your understanding of it? What have you experienced from it? A common answer? It has something to do with the back or neck, adjustments take place, and people generally report feeling better after the adjustment. Do you know why? Do you know why chiropractic has a focus on [...]

Position on Chiropractic2018-08-21T12:15:43-05:00

Converting Stress


“Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” - Hans Selye Stress is everywhere. How do you respond to it? Physiological stress, or the stress response, is the body’s reaction to a condition that poses as a physical, chemical or psychological threat or challenge to your wellbeing. Stressors produce certain [...]

Converting Stress2019-10-29T14:07:40-05:00

Chiropractic Adjustment: Is it ok to adjust myself?


Trying to manipulate your own spine in an attempt to adjust yourself is not recommended. People may have the urge to “crack” their own spine in the hopes they’ll receive momentary relief from the stiffness, tension or pain that they are experiencing. While some opt for pain remedies based on their reviews from www.gshs.org [...]

Chiropractic Adjustment: Is it ok to adjust myself?2019-12-04T01:07:58-06:00

Double Down on Adjustments


Out of all the adjustments you can make to your quality of life, what provides the most impact? What creates the results that are worth your time and energy to change from a negative state to a positive state? Spreading your time and energy across multiple platforms to improve your quality of life may be [...]

Double Down on Adjustments2018-07-31T12:24:07-05:00

3 Signs to Self Improve Soon


“I never lose. I either win or learn.” — Nelson Mandela Are you stuck in a rut of physical, emotional and chemical stress that’s lowering your quality of life? Failure is a part of life, but what if we look at failure as an opportunity to learn from our current conditions? For example, life [...]

3 Signs to Self Improve Soon2019-10-22T12:33:40-05:00
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