

Slipping in Your State of Wellbeing


Slipping can be defined as a change to a lower, worse, or different condition, that typically occurs in a gradual or imperceptible way. When we hear slipping, we may think of slipping and falling on ice. This is certainly one way you can change to a lower or worse state, but there’s another form of [...]

Slipping in Your State of Wellbeing2018-04-02T08:30:19-05:00

7 Steps to Help You Reach Your Potential


Our human body is constantly creating new cells and tissues due to the constant stress we encounter from day to day living. Life is full of obstacles that get in the way of you reaching your potential and developing into someone even greater than who you are right now. This recuperative power to create new [...]

7 Steps to Help You Reach Your Potential2018-03-28T13:03:34-05:00

DNA Function


Your DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a chain of nucleotides that carry a blueprint of instructions for reproduction, growth, development and overall function. Your DNA stores necessary information for creation of the unique proteins and molecules within your body that are responsible for various functions within the body. DNA function is similar to blueprints to a [...]

DNA Function2018-03-20T12:31:46-05:00

Reflecting on 5 Years at ChiroWay of Blaine


This March, ChiroWay of Blaine, owned and operated by Lance Baumgard, DC, celebrated 5 years in business serving regular chiropractic care. With over 57,000 chiropractic visits* and 3 generations of community members served in the last 5 years, Lance states that he is “incredibly grateful to have accomplished what I have, and to have been [...]

Reflecting on 5 Years at ChiroWay of Blaine2018-03-29T16:57:37-05:00

Goals to Wellbeing


“Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.” - Brian Tracy What are your goals for your wellbeing? Do you want to live a long life? Retire and travel? Lose twenty-five pounds? At ChiroWay, we like to bring awareness to the following goal: Functioning at your best so that your body [...]

Goals to Wellbeing2018-03-20T12:28:17-05:00

Function Better with Chiropractic


The primary aim of regular chiropractic care is to help the body naturally function as it’s intended to. “Function” can be defined as an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing. Our body has an innate intelligence that is the self healing principle that organizes natural function within us through [...]

Function Better with Chiropractic2018-03-20T12:22:11-05:00

Stressors Children May Experience


Children encounter obstacles and stress in their lives on a daily basis. Chiropractic recognizes three categories of stress that can affect your children at a young age: physical, emotional and chemical. Here are a few examples: Physical Stress: Constant physical demands can create a negative compound effect on your wellbeing. Waking up in time [...]

Stressors Children May Experience2019-04-30T17:15:08-05:00

Immunoglobiulin A


Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that can play a crucial role in your immune function. Antibodies are proteins produced innately in response to substances that your body believes to be foreign, like bacteria and viruses. IgA is located within your mucosal membranes (ex: saliva, respiratory and digestive tract) and blood. IgA interacts with foreign [...]

Immunoglobiulin A2018-03-14T10:30:05-05:00

The Secret to Getting Ahead


The first step is to simply get started. Everyone wants improvement, but not everyone takes the initiative to start something that is a positive investment of their time. The second step is to be patient, all good things take time and we cannot make time go any faster. Do you know someone who is seeking [...]

The Secret to Getting Ahead2018-03-14T10:37:42-05:00

Leaky Bucket


Imagine your body like a bucket: everyone has different bodies with a variety of shapes, sizes and capacity. Your wellbeing is housed inside your bucket. Your body can stay full of wellbeing with both inborn recuperative powers, and the positive choices you make. These factors can be viewed in the form of a faucet that [...]

Leaky Bucket2018-03-14T10:45:35-05:00
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