Should your child receive regular chiropractic care, too? Why Bring Your Children to the Chiropractor?
Chiropractic adjustments can provide a natural and effective approach to raise the quality of life of infants, children and teenagers.
A great way to understand why children commonly benefit from regular chiropractic care can be found when you look at the difference between a proactive and reactive health approach. In order to understand the reactive health routine, let’s look at symptoms.
It’s a popular belief that when your body has no signs of pain or symptoms, all is well within. The problem with judging how the body is functioning based on feeling, is that feeling can be a poor yardstick to measure well-being. How well the body functions is based on more than the absence of disease or symptoms.
Even the the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
The issue with constantly taking a reactive approach to your child’s well-being is the fact that on a daily basis your child is confronted with stress that can outweigh their ability to adapt to it, and dysfunction can result to their physiology regardless of any signs of symptoms.
Did you know that stress confronts children of all ages, regardless of pain or symptoms?
Yes, even infants and babies encounter stress. Every single person on this planet encounters stress in their lives on a daily basis. We can’t entirely rid our lives from stress, but we can become more aware of the fact stress is a part of living and find better ways to adapt to it to make us stronger and more resilient to the demands and obstacles that we encounter daily.
Infants start adapting or compensating to stress starting as soon as conception starts and the embryo turns into a growing baby inside of mother. As this infant is growing inside of mother, the choices the mother makes can either negatively or positively effect the growing infant. These choices the mother is making can become the stressors that start the process of compensating or adapting to stress at an early age.
Once the baby is born into this world, stress doesn’t stop the process of trying to break down normal healthy physiology.
For example, have you ever heard a baby cry because they’re hungry? This is a process of communication, but the process itself can become a form of stress on the baby’s well-being. Think about it, have you ever been so hungry for food that your blood sugar levels drop drastically and before long your attitude and behavior turn you into a grumpy, short tempered individual? Our internal body chemistry has a profound impact on physiology, and when babies get hungry, this can become an emotional and physiological stressor on their overall well-being.
Every fall and winter the sun disappears, the weather gets cold, and kids head back to school to share high fives and hugs that create a perfect storm for bacterial and viruses to be spread. The fact that cold and flu season affects all of us is known, the undisclosed is why some of us escape being victims. Adaptation is part of that unknown factor and can become the same source of your baby’s ability to stay healthy not only cold and flu season, but especially during the first couple years of growing up as their immune system is developing. The point to consider is when adaptation to bacterial and viruses fails and babies lose the battle to the foreign living organism, this process becomes an overall stressor on them at levels that become very harmful for their overall well-being.
Children have an amazing ability to adapt to stress, but as they age and develop, demands and expectations increase and positive proactive measures for their well-being to adapt to the increase of stressors is vital.
A proactive approach to our well-being routine is not waiting until compensation is noticed, but instead, making positive choices that will increase their quality of life and inner potential to adapt to the day to day demands.
If we change our approach from reactive to proactive in the realm of taking care of the well-being, regular chiropractic care for children is easier to comprehend.
So, why be proactive with our children’s well-being?
Children’s bodies have an amazing ability to adapt to stress, but as the demands and expectations increase in our lives, children need positive proactive measures for their well-being to adapt to the increase of stressors just like adults do. We can’t entirely rid our lives from stress, but we can utilize tools to make us stronger and more resilient to the demands and obstacles that we encounter daily.
Regular chiropractic adjustments for children can be one proactive choice to raise the quality of life and well-being within their resilient bodies.

Trent Scheidecker, DC | ChiroWay of Woodbury | Owner & Chiropractor
Trent Scheidecker, DC frequently visited his chiropractor when he was in high school and knew the benefits he experienced were worth the time and investment to become a chiropractor. He wanted to help his community experience a higher quality of life through regular chiropractic care. In 2010 Trent founded ChiroWay in Woodbury and since that time has served over 3,000 clients. He has been named “Best of Woodbury” in Woodbury Magazine seven times. Trent has also mentored colleagues in practice and franchised ChiroWay in 2012. Today, there are 8 ChiroWay locations throughout Minnesota.