The First Chiropractic Adjustment
When was the first chiropractic adjustment? Chiropractic was founded in 1895, but history [...]
Chiropractic Question: Do Adjustments Loosen Your Spine?
Today we’re going to discuss a common question within Chiropractic: Do Adjustments Loosen [...]
Chiropractic Question: Can Chiropractic Adjustments Help My Body Work Better?
A common question within chiropractic is whether or not chiropractic care can help [...]
Chiropractic Question: Do Adjustments Hurt?
Let’s discuss a common question within Chiropractic; do adjustments hurt? When properly facilitated, [...]
The Building Blocks of Chiropractic: Principle #6
Chiropractic 33 Principles, Principle 6: “The Principle of Time”- There is no process [...]
An Ideal State of Well-Being
Our body is in a constant battle against the internal and external invasive [...]
5 Proactive Choices to Invest in Your Well-being
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” - Mark Twain Get started [...]
Brain-Body Communication: Safety Pin Cycle
Your spine consists of 24 spinal joints that house and protect the spinal [...]
Adaptational Success
Stress is everywhere. How do you respond to it? Physiological stress, or the [...]
The Building Blocks of Chiropractic: Principle #5
33 Chiropractic Principles: Principle No. 5 “The Perfection of the Triune”- In order [...]
Hindsight is 20/20
Hindsight is 20/20. In other words, it’s easier to look back with “20/20 [...]
Once You Go to the Chiropractor, Do You Have to Keep Going?
Once you start Chiropractic, do you have to keep going? An answer to [...]
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