People visit chiropractors for many different reasons, but, most if not all chiropractors have the similar objective to helping people function with a higher quality of life through the correction of vertebral subluxation. This objective of helping people function with a higher quality of life through the correction of vertebral subluxation is due to part of your body or physiology not working to it potential-regardless of the presences or absence of symptoms.
First introductions to new people when I tell them I’m a chiropractor, usually go in the direction of the new acquaintance responding, “I don’t have any back or neck pain so I’ve never gone to a chiropractor before.”
This is the common viewpoint from society, that if you have something wrong or not working correctly-then go it fixed. But if nothing’s wrong-don’t touch it!
How do you know if something isn’t working properly in your body, for example your spine. Is it the signs of symptoms that tell you your spine isn’t working properly? Is it when you can’t function throughout the day? Is it both?
The human body is a magnificent working machine, but relying solely on symptoms to tell you that it’s not working properly is not a valid approach.
What about when you are unable to function throughout the day? For example, you can’t pick up your children anymore because the motion and weight causes so much discomfort that it’s unbearable. Waiting until you can’t function in the day is like waiting to put gas in the tank when you’re on the side of the road not driving any more. You should always fill up the gas tank before the engine stops working, just as you should not be waiting till your body stops performing before you feel like something isn’t working properly.
People visit chiropractors for many different reasons, but most chiropractors have the similar objective to helping people function with a higher quality of life through the correction of vertebral subluxation.
The correction of vertebral subluxation through a chiropractic adjustment for the better expression of wellbeing is the shared objective within the profession. And within this shared objective, comes three reasons to visit a chiropractor:
- Emotional Stress
- Chemical Stress
- Physical Stress
Stress is everywhere and constantly combats with our ability to function in a normal state. Stress can overcome and breakdown our normal physiology into a state of dysfunction and disharmony without us even being aware of the effects due to the many angles and ways of negatively affecting us. Chiropractic recognizes three categories of stress that can affect your body and create perfect conditions within your physiology for vertebral subluxation to develop.
Reason #1 to Visit a Chiropractor is Emotional Stress. Thinking or experiencing negative or worrisome thoughts can impact our wellbeing-its a fact. Just think about the time when you got so worried that your stomach turned over! Emotional stress is there, and can be a burden on our internal wellbeing. Emotional stress can affect your physiology and create a perfect condition for vertebral subluxation to develop.
Reason #2 to Visit a Chiropractor is Chemical Stress. Inhaling, drinking or digesting chemicals that can create internal damage to our wellbeing is another known fact. Being aware of chemical stress that silently affects your overall wellbeing from the inside out can be your daily way of eating an apple a day. Chemical stress can affect your physiology and create a perfect condition for vertebral subluxation to develop.
Reason #3 to Visit a Chiropractor is Physical Stress. Constant physical demands can create a negative compound effect on our wellbeing. The physical tole of not moving enough and sitting too much and working at our desks all day is a real physical stressor that needs to be recognized. Physical stress can affect your physiology and create a perfect condition for vertebral subluxation to develop.
As we become more aware of emotional, chemical and physical stressors, we want to find ways to increase our ability to adapt to it rather than compensate to it. Stress is constantly confronting our ability to function in its normal state. When it comes to stress, you have two options to approach the harmful effects:
- Lower the amount of stress.
- Increase our resistance to stress.
Chiropractic adjustments are one way to increase your resistance to stress from the inside-out. As you increase your resistance to stress, you allow the inborn recuperative powers of wellbeing to be expressed. Increasing your resistance to stress from the inside-out through the correction of vertebral subluxation is a proactive choice you can incorporate into your lifestyle.

Trent Scheidecker, DC | ChiroWay of Woodbury | Owner & Chiropractor
Trent Scheidecker, DC frequently visited his chiropractor when he was in high school and knew the benefits he experienced were worth the time and investment to become a chiropractor. He wanted to help his community experience a higher quality of life through regular chiropractic care. In 2010 Trent founded ChiroWay in Woodbury and since that time has served over 3,000 clients. He has been named “Best of Woodbury” in Woodbury Magazine seven times. Trent has also mentored colleagues in practice and franchised ChiroWay in 2012. Today, there are 8 ChiroWay locations throughout Minnesota.