For most of us, we live by the motto that if it’s not broken-don’t try to fix it. This analogy works great for material things such as plains, trains and automobiles.
But, does that motto work for our human body that has more immaterial aspects to the physiology and harmony within that we give credit for?
Can we really look or health or well-being and believe for even a minute that how our body is feeling is 100% correlated to how well its functioning?
We just discussed in the previous article that healing is a state of demand and supply taking place on the horizontal axis and how the restoration from 50% to 100% cannot be easily monitored like on your phone screen giving you an idea of the amount of demand you can place on it in a given amount of time.
Demand and supply within your body is measured through a currence of forces and energy and your well-being battery requires recharging or restoration on a daily basis due to the demand you put on it through use and stress.
Unfortunately, our physiology does not come equipped with an energy percentage gauge for you to know how much supply is left in the tank of health and for most, pain is the gauge that people use to monitor how much demand can be placed on the body before the motto “don’t fix it if its not broken comes into play.”
So if pain is a poor yardstick to measure the currency of how much health is left in the bucket of well-being-then we can understand from a logical perspective why so many people visit the Chiropractor on a regular basis even though they don’t have neck or back pain that’s affecting their daily activities of living.
People who choose to see the chiropractor consistently are applying the principles of a proactive approach to their quality of life. They see that stress and demands placed on their health and well-being diminish the supply of healing and restoration from within.
They don’t wait till they experience pain such as back pain, neck pain or headaches to tell them that they’ve reached their outer limits of adaptation to stress. Instead, they take a proactive approach to your quality of life through repetitive ways of keeping your internal energy high and free of physical interference-no different than charging their phone daily due to the demands of use placed on it.
To be physiologically correct, pain is a great indicator that outer limits of adaptation to stress are being met and if you are in pain from the lack of adaptation-then listen to your inner signs that something needs to change.
To be philosophically correct, pain is a poor indicator of letting you know that something is dysfunctional and over time that deviation away from function can turn into bigger problems that require more fixing from the outside-in.
Applying the physiological facts with philosophical principles can turn your well-being into a well oiled machine that’s adapting to the day to day demands.
You see, time is always a factor in all aspects of life. Time affects plains, trains and automobiles and it also affects our physiology.
Rather than waiting to use pain as an indicator that dysfunction has occurred, try using time as an indicator that deviation away from wholeness has transpired from the demands you’ve placed on yourself. Time can be a great metic for which way the pendulum is swinging with your momentum towards wholeness and restoration.
People who visit the chiropractor consistently are using time as their primary indicator for restoration compared to using symptoms such as headaches, neck pain or back pain as indicators on when to visit the Chiropractor. That doesn’t mean those individuals that are using time as the key indicator for when to visit their Chiropractor are symptomless one-hundred present of the time-it just means they understand the process of demand from stress and supply from restoration having a breaking point where a Chiropractic Adjustment can facilitate the correction of dysfunction within the spine regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms. They understand that if they want to see results from momentum they need to focus on consistent action over time due to the physiological fact that pain is most often the last sign to show up and the first to disappear in the linear spectrum of well-being that our body’s express restoration on.
Focusing on time and momentum swinging the pendulum towards health and wholeness based on the consistent action needed to take place is a proactive approach to well-being. Regular chiropractic care in an asymptomatic model of care is proactive. Its proactive due to the fact that dysfunction can and does occur without pain being relevant in the consumer’s awareness.

Trent Scheidecker, DC | ChiroWay of Woodbury | Owner & Chiropractor
Trent Scheidecker, DC frequently visited his chiropractor when he was in high school and knew the benefits he experienced were worth the time and investment to become a chiropractor. He wanted to help his community experience a higher quality of life through regular chiropractic care. In 2010 Trent founded ChiroWay in Woodbury and since that time has served over 3,000 clients. He has been named “Best of Woodbury” in Woodbury Magazine seven times. Trent has also mentored colleagues in practice and franchised ChiroWay in 2012. Today, there are 8 ChiroWay locations throughout Minnesota.