“Chiropractic is specific or it is nothing!”-B.J. Palmer
Specificity within Chiropractic has been at the heart and soul of the 200 named techniques within the profession.
Chiropractic Analysis is similar to visiting your dentist and them analyzing every one of your teeth with that sharp tool to determine the functionality of the individual tooth. Chiropractors have over 200 named techniques/methods to determine the functionality of the individual segments of the spine to determine if and where to facilitate the force for the chiropractic adjustment.
This analysis needs to be specific or it is not Chiropractic, like B.J. Palmer the developer of Chiropractic was quoted. Specific not only in the realm of having individual indicators that are valid and consistent, but also specific in the realm of purpose.
Specificity within Chiropractic Analysis and Adjustments matters most because producing the most favorable outcomes are a result of having a specific procedure that produces one objective. If you have general procedures, you will most likely produce general results. Specific procedures produce specific results.
Within chiropractic, if you agree that the objective is to correct subluxation to restore neurological freedom for the greater expression of the body’s inner recuperative powers or innate intelligence, then the procedure that can specifically analyze and address that objective will be specific and meet that objective if the way of doing it has been applied with effectiveness.
In regards to the Chiropractic Analysis, I professionally believe that removing as many variables that can produce inconsistent indicators during the analysis is vital. For that reason, I have used a static palpation during the analysis to produce more consistent variables for the location and listing of vertebral subluxation.
Specificity within Chiropractic Technique requires specific analysis and specific forces that influence the body’s recuperative powers to restore control of a vertebral segment that was causing neurological interference. We refer to that procedure/process as the Chiropractic Adjustment.
Let’s look at the definition of adjustment: a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result or the process of adapting or becoming used to a new situation.
Comparing and contrasting to a common word I hear often to describe what Chiropractors do in practice, is manipulation. Manipulation defined: the action of manipulating something in a skillful manner: examine or treat (a part of the body) by feeling or moving it with the hand: a system of healing based on manipulating the ligaments of the spine.
Manipulation means movement, adjustment means restoration/adaptation.
Movement occurs from the outside-in, restoration/adaptation from inside-out. Yes, you need to make movement to see restoration/adaptation, but the movement being made by the chiropractor is facilitating it for the purpose or objective at hand.

Trent Scheidecker, DC | ChiroWay of Woodbury | Owner & Chiropractor
Trent Scheidecker, DC frequently visited his chiropractor when he was in high school and knew the benefits he experienced were worth the time and investment to become a chiropractor. He wanted to help his community experience a higher quality of life through regular chiropractic care. In 2010 Trent founded ChiroWay in Woodbury and since that time has served over 3,000 clients. He has been named “Best of Woodbury” in Woodbury Magazine seven times. Trent has also mentored colleagues in practice and franchised ChiroWay in 2012. Today, there are 8 ChiroWay locations throughout Minnesota.