A friendly alert of caution: you don’t own your quality of life, you rent it! Everyday when you wake up, you have a choice to take care of your body so it can take care of you, or to disregard the necessities of everyday function.

When you take care of your body, you’re paying the invoices that are due for your quality of life.

Our bodies can be compared to a home that we live in with daily invoices due for the utilities and maintenance of the premises. Every day a check is due in order for us to keep the lights on. Are you paying the invoices on your quality of life?

Here are six necessities and invoices due for optimal physiological function within our body:

1. Nutrition:

Nutrition is the building block for the maintenance of physiological processes inside the body, you are what you eat. What are you eating and drinking? Nutrition Invoice: eat nutrient dense food!

2. Movement:

Your body gets stronger is through movement. Are you moving your body? Movement Invoice: walk, exercise, or simply move each day!

3. Respiration:

Respiration produces energy that is essential for the body. Are you breathing and picking up your heart rate? Respiration Invoice: take deep breaths throughout the day, or meditate!

4. Excretion

Getting rid of toxins and waste is a necessity to avoid illness. Do you sweat and digest what you eat? Excretion Invoice: as you walk, exercise and get moving, pick up the intensity so you can sweat!

5. Growth

They say you’re either growing stronger or getting weaker in the body. Are you getting stronger? Growth Invoice: strengthen yourself mentally and physically through exercise, reading and learning!

6. Responsiveness

Monitoring, detecting and responding to changes in your body’s internal and external environment is a necessity of life. How is your body responding? Responsiveness Invoice: invest into your neurological system as it’s our primary tool for adaptation and responsiveness. Exercise, rest and good nutrition is a foundation for healthy nerves. Also, visiting your chiropractor for spinal evaluations for vertebral subluxation to detect any bio-mechanical stress on your neurological system.
