Today we’re going to discuss a common question within Chiropractic: Do Adjustments Loosen Your Spine?
There is misconception about regular chiropractic adjustments loosening the spine, and it can be addressed if we focus on the purpose of the chiropractic adjustment. To understand the purpose of the adjustment, let’s first discuss the process of the adjustment.
Chiropractors locate and facilitate the correction of spinal joints, termed vertebral subluxation, that have characteristics of:
- Misalignment compared to the joint, above or below
- Loss of segmental range of motion
- Neurological interference to the surrounding nerve tissue
Vertebral subluxation can impinge the nerve tissue around the spine, which can lead to a disruption in normal function within the neurological system. When left uncorrected, vertebral subluxation can disrupt normal function within the body, including the joint itself.
When subluxation is corrected and the adjustment is facilitated, proper alignment, motion and protection of the delicate neurological system is accomplished.
The goal of the chiropractic adjustment is the process of adjusting the joint from a negative functional state to a positive functional state. This process of moving from negative to positive means that the adjustment should contribute the overall welfare of the individual.
The Chiropractic Myth that receiving regular chiropractic care loosens your spine is just not valid.
The Chiropractic Reality of receiving regular chiropractic care focuses only on the spinal joints that have a state of dysfunction and lack of mobility.
Chiropractic adjustments restore proper function and mobility to the joints. Chiropractic adjustments stabilize normal function, they do not loosen function within the spine.
Through the repetition of chiropractic adjustments on vertebral subluxation, the vertebrae that has characteristics of misalignment can move in the direction of proper alignment, proper range of motion and proper protection of the neurological tissue.
Not only do chiropractic adjustments create an opportunity for a more desired fit or result in the vertebrae, but with time and repetition, the chiropractic adjustments can get easier and fewer. This is due to habit of chiropractic care you’ve created, which can influence your spinal joints and neurological system to be in an optimal state.
Each chiropractic adjustment you receive can help remove interference in the mental impulses traveling from your brain to the rest of the body, or from the body to your brain. All of your brain-body communication takes place through the spinal cord and throughout the neurological system.
Chiropractic is concerned with the integrity of the spine’s 24 spinal joints, so the housing and protection of the vital neurological communication can take place without interference.
When dysfunction (misalignment and or improper motion) is located within the spine due to vertebral subluxation, the communication is less than optimal between brain and body.
This can create less than optimal function in the body’s neurological system, therefore interfering with the body’s innate healing characteristics.
A specific chiropractic adjustment can help restore proper relationship within the joint and surrounding tissue which can enhance the innate recuperative power of the body to heal itself due to the emphasis on the relationship between structure and function that is coordinated by the neurological system.
Visit your chiropractor on a regular basis to help keep your body’s innate potential at its best!

Trent Scheidecker, DC | ChiroWay of Woodbury | Owner & Chiropractor
Trent Scheidecker, DC frequently visited his chiropractor when he was in high school and knew the benefits he experienced were worth the time and investment to become a chiropractor. He wanted to help his community experience a higher quality of life through regular chiropractic care. In 2010 Trent founded ChiroWay in Woodbury and since that time has served over 3,000 clients. He has been named “Best of Woodbury” in Woodbury Magazine seven times. Trent has also mentored colleagues in practice and franchised ChiroWay in 2012. Today, there are 8 ChiroWay locations throughout Minnesota.